Grace imaging


2022.05.17 | Sports

Bringing transformational change in sports training

 In-sweat lactic acid sensor has been well known in the field of medicine, but has recently been attracting attention in the field of sports. Having been one of our primary target since the beginning, we welcome interest from professional athletes and sport teams.

 We have teamed up with a university lab, and have been conducting various research programs on “fatigueness” using the sensor. However, we needed an extra push to turn it into actual business and implement it in our daily life.



 In 2021, Grace imaging took a step forward and formed a special team. Soon after, we were selected as one of participants of “INNOVATION LEAGUE” organized by Japan Sports Agency. Within just 4 months, we were able to measure and analyze the performance of professinal cyclists. The team also gave a short presentation to Japan Sports Analyst Association, showing the possibility of in-sweat lactic acid sensor for optimizing athletes’ training sessions.

These activities have led to gain extra onfidence in our believe that our device can transform the field of sports as well.



“Innovation” dosen’t stop here

 While we are proud of our achivement so far, we also believe this is just the beginnig of our journey. As we state on our mission, we don let data sit as data.
   We have proven we can acquire meaningful data from professional athletes, but we can not stop our progress here until we bring actual change in people’s behavior.

   This is why we are currently working on cloud-based system where data can be stored, analyzed, and utilized collectively for every athlete, trainer, and anyone eles who needs it. we believe this innovation will one day become the norm, and we will continue to work realizing this in the near future.


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