Grace imaging


2024.08.13 | Research

Paper published in “European Journal of Sport Science”

A research paper using our sweat lactate sensor written by Researcher Hiroki Okawara of The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine (co-authored by Dr. Daisuke Nakashima, the president of Grace Imaging Inc.) was published in the international academic journal “European Journal of Sport Science”.
Since assessing aerobic capacity is key to enhancing swimming performance, a simple and widely applicable technology is desired to be developed. They aimed to noninvasively visualize real-time changes in sweat lactate (sLA) levels during swimming and investigate the relationship between lactate thresholds in sweat (sLT) and blood (bLT).
The sLT closely approximated bLT, which is used as conventional evaluation of swimming performance or planning of training strategy. The current novel measurement method is expected to evaluate change of metabolism in swimming noninvasively.
For details, please refer to the following link.